bookmark_borderApplying a GIT patch on your local SVN repository

Recently someone is helping me out on my Dune II – The Maker project. He works with GIT, a version control system like SVN. I don’t care about the differences between them at this point, except for one difference: The patch files.

So here is the situation: Someone works with GIT, makes some changes and creates a patch file out of them. He sends it to me so I can apply it to my SVN repository. In theory, I thought, this would work fine. Atleast I think the possibility to share patches among different versioning systems would be great, but there is a problem.

The GIT patch file format is different compared to a ‘normal unified diff’ patch, and therefor my SVN client (I use TortoiseSVN) does not understand the patch file and will not apply it. Side note: It does not mention it doesn’t understand it, it simply does nothing.

I found a sollution for this that works 90% of the time (for me). There is TortoiseGIT , which basically offers the same windows integration as TortoiseSVN. However, looking into the ToirtoiseGIT install dir (within the BIN sub-dir) you can find TortoiseMerge.

TortoiseMerge is used within TortoiseSVN for merging and applying (unified diff) patches. But the TortoiseMerge tool within TortoiseGIT understands GIT patch files.

So here is the blunt solution: Open up TortoiseMerge from TortoiseGIT. Open the GIT patch file with it and apply it on your checked-out SVN repository. TortoiseMerge will apply the patch 9 out of 10 times for you.

Sometimes you might encounter an error that TortoiseMerge cannot apply the patch due ‘missing lines’. In those cases I found myself reading the patch file itself and apply it by hand.

I hope this helped you out, if it did (or not) let me know.

bookmark_borderPrevent cross-site scripting when using JSON objects using ESAPI and Jackson framework 1.7.x

Recently I have had the opportunity to fix a cross-site-scripting problem.

The problem: a lot of JSON objects are being sent over the wire and the data is not being html escaped. This means that anyone who would put html data IN would get it out and make any user vulnerable for XSS attacks.

In this case, JSON objects are being created by using the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter. This is deliverd by the Spring framework. Normally it is instantiated when you use spring-mvc (using the mvc-annotation tag). This allowed us to just return an object and the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter would take care of translating it into a JSON object.

In order to influence the creation of the JSON object and make it encode HTML for String values we need to do a few things:

  1. Create a Custom Object Mapper and wire into Spring
  2. Create a JsonSerializer that encodes HTML (using ESAPI)
  3. Register the JsonSerializer in the CustomObjectMapper

Create a Custom Object Mapper and wire into Spring

However, now we want to change the value serialized by the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter. So how do we do that? The MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter uses an ObjectMapper. So in order to get the ObjectMapper map the values to an encoded one we need to create a custom Object mapper.

public class CustomObjectMapper extends {

At first we leave it empty. We want to make Spring make use of our CustomObjectMapper first. In order to do that you need to write out the mvc-annotation tag, because we need to inject our CustomObjectMapper in the the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter. This is a bit difficult to figure out at first, but for your convinience I have proveded the configuration you need.

<bean id="CustomObjectMapper" class="your custom object mapper"/>

<bean id="MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter">
	<property name="objectMapper" ref="CustomObjectMapper"/>

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter">
	<property name="order" value="1" />
	<property name="customArgumentResolver" ref="sessionParamResolver"/>
	<property name="webBindingInitializer">
	<bean class="">
		<!-- <property name="conversionService" ref="conversionService" />  -->
		<property name="validator" ref="validator" />
	<property name="messageConverters">
			<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter" />
			<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter" />
			<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.ResourceHttpMessageConverter" />
			<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter" />
			<ref bean="MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter"/>

As you can see, the AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter is the bean where everything is getting wired into. The messageConverters property contains a list of converters. The last entry is where the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter is referenced. Normally it is defined like the beans above it. But since we want to inject our own CustomObjectMapper it is done this way.

Create a JsonSerializer that encodes HTML (using ESAPI)

Now we know our CustomObjectMapper is used, we can start the part where we want to influence the way the jackson framework serializes our objects to JSON. In order to do that we create our own JsonSerializer. Then, we override the serialize method and make sure the provided jsonGenerator is writing our encoded value.


public class JsonHtmlXssSerializer extends JsonSerializer {

   public void serialize(String value, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
      if (value != null) {
         String encodedValue = encodeHtml(value);


So this class extends from, and implements its own serialize method. The method encodeHtml will use the ESAPI encoding functions to escape HTML.


Implementing this is very easy:

   protected String encodeHtml(String html) {
      DefaultEncoder encoder = new DefaultEncoder();
      return encoder.encodeForHTML(html);

The defaultEncoder is from ESAPI allowing us to encode the HTML.


Register the JsonSerializer in the CustomObjectMapper

The final step is to register the JsonSerializer within the ObjectMapper used by Spring. Doing that using Jackson 1.7.0 is very easy. Using the provided SimpleModule class we can easily add our own Serializer to the ObjectMapper. We do that by creating our own default constructor, which will register our serializer. Like so:

public class CustomObjectMapper extends {

   public CustomObjectMapper() {
      SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule("HTML XSS Serializer", new Version(1, 0, 0, "FINAL"));
      module.addSerializer(new JsonHtmlXssSerializer());

bookmark_borderThe bare minimals to get started with iOS development

In order to get started for iOS development, you need to do a few things:

– Get yourself a mac (the cheapest is the mac mini)
– Get and install XCode
Register yourself as an Apple Developer (bound to your Apple ID)
– Get Access to the iOS Dev Center (you need to be an Apple Developer)

Of course, you need to learn Objective C and you need to know some fundamentals about programming in a broad sense.

Once you’ve got this, you can get started. Tons of information there. Thats where I will start, more updates will follow!

bookmark_borderA new adventure is about to begin

For quite some time the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad has been available. And along with it how to write applications for it, so called “Apps”. The Apps are written for the operating system on those devices, called iOS.

I’ve always been interested in writing an App for iOS. And, finally I have the resources to begin my journey. I’ll blog about my findings here once in a while.

bookmark_borderA Software Quality Model (Part II) – Translating customer language into metrics, scoring quality

In my previous post I have explained the context of my thesis, and the various software quality models that are evaluated.

For my thesis I have extended the Software Quality Model of Willmer. Although it is not an exact implementation of the model, it is inspired by it. Also, the influence of the customer is processed into this model. The goal of this model is to translate customer desires into metrics, in order to calculate the total quality.

When talking about software quality, it is either very concrete (I want a red car!) or very abstract (it has to be reliable!). Customers tend to tell their ‘experiences of quality’ in sentences. This is the first step of the model. Try to get a few (eight at most) of these sentences. They must be distinctive. (Don’t have four sentences preach about security…)

Translating these sentences into concrete, measurable ‘things’ for developers, is another story. But before doing that , ask your customer what the relative importance is of all these sentences you just have written down. Just imagine that there is this situation where you have to go live. But , there is an issue that needs to be tackled, all blocking, one for each aspect (sentence). If you could pick one, which would you pick? Would you tackle the first sentence, the second? etc?

Of course, your customer will would tell  in his own domain language what the most important thing is. Try to map that (and confirm) with these sentences. Score them and try to get an ‘order of importance’. After you have done that, you have your first important goal reached: You know the relative importance of each quality sentence (aspect from now on).

So, what now? The next step is to map these aspects/sentences to Software Quality Attributes (also known as non-functional requirements). You either need a Software Engineer to do that, or even better, try to do it with your team. Before mapping these, try to make a selection of Quality Attributes first that are most relevant to you. Ie, try to use tree of Boehm or ISO9160 as reference. Within my theses I have used 9 Quality Attributes, some Quality Attributes are ‘sub-quality attributes’ of others. Example of Quality Attributes: Understandability, Reliability, Security, Availability, Complexity, etc.

The result of this mapping is that you get for each aspect several quality attributes. Not all quality attributes are applicable to an aspect. Try to figure out how much quality attributes are applicable to an aspect. Do this by asking teammembers and for each member that selects a quality attribute, score it. This way you can calculate relatively how your team thinks the mapping should be. This is important, because the eventual result of your measurement (see below) should be the product of the customer and the team that work on that product.

So, you have a few aspects, and each aspect has a few quality attributes. All that is left is to map metrics to quality attributes. Mapping this is fairly easy, there are quite a bunch of metrics out there. Each metric tries to measure (a piece of) a quality attribute. Some are easy, like complexity (quality attribute) can be measured by (although it is not limited to) the Cyclomatic Complexity metric by McCabe.

So basically you end up with this:

Aspect(n..8) –> Quality Attribute(n) –> Metrics(n)


  • the total quality of the system, is the combination of all aspects (all aspects relativity make 100%)
  • you should keep eight aspects (believe me, more will only make it harder to distinguish and make decisions)
  • you should attach quality attributes to each aspect, and determine their relative applicability to this aspect
  • you should attach metrics to quality attributes

So in the end, how do you score quality? Is it possible with this model? Yes, certainly it is.

Once you have found metrics, and attached them to quality attributes. You should formulate ‘scoring rules’. This means, you need to write down how you will interpret results of a metric and translate that onto a scale of 1 to 10. A scoring rule could be:

“Lines of Code (LOC) may be 1000 for a file max. Every 100 lines more substracts one point. (Giving 10 points with 1000 or lower and with 2000 lines a 1)”

This means, a LOC of 1000 will score a 10. A LOC of 1500 scores a 5, a LOC of 2000 or higher scores a 1.

Do this for all metrics, and eventually you will be able to calculate the total quality of the system.

In order to make this more concrete, here an example of such a calculation:

Total Quality Score = sum of scores of each aspect

Aspect score = (Sum of all relative scores of all applicable attributes) * relative importance

Attribute score = (Sum of all relative scores of all applicable metrics)

Example (For the sake of this example, attributes are scored already)

Aspect #1

Is for 30% important (relative to Aspect #2)


A -> for 40% applicable

B -> for 60% applicable

Aspect #2

Is for 70% important (relative to Aspect #1)


C -> for 70% applicable

B -> for 30% applicable


Attribute A scores 7 (out of 10)

Attribute B scores 5 (out of 10)

Attribute C scores 8 (out of 10)

Total quality calculation:

Aspect #1

A = 7 * 40% = 2,8

B = 5 * 60% = 3,0

Absolute score is 2,8 + 3,0 = 5,8

Aspect #2

C = 8 * 70% = 5,6

B = 5 * 30% = 1,5

Absolute score is 5,6 + 1,5 = 7,1

Total quality is:

Aspect #1 –> 5,8 * 30% (importance) = 1,74

Aspect #2 –> 7,1 * 70% (importance) = 4,97

Total quality score is 1,74 + 6,71 ==> 6,71

6,71 on a score of 1 to 10 (1 being bad, 10 being best).